Tag: water soluable CBD


CBD Oil and Water: The Power of the Patented 10x Pure CBD Oil

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A healthy human body consist of 50-75% water. Water is required for all chemical reactions in our cells, it regulates our body temperature, promotes healthy skin, lubricates our joints, moves nutrients around our body, removes waste form our bodies and is important in our digestive process.

You may be asking yourself what does this have to do with CBD oil?  When you take CBD oil orally or sublingually and it goes into our system, it is like trying to mix oil and water and as I’m sure you know they don’t mix well together naturally.

Any type of oil-based CBD will not naturally mix with water for a couple of reasons one being the molecular structure and density difference. Have you seen pictures where oil floats on top of water- that’s about structure and density. The other reason is their polarity. Polarity means a molecule is positive charged at one end and negatively charged at the other, like a magnet. Water is a polar molecule. Since only opposites attract, the water molecules stick to each other, like the ends of the magnet. Thus when you stir oil and water together they will eventually separate into two separate layers.

This is why CBD oil can have problems entering our system to help us. In a study conducted by Welty et al., entitled “Cannabidiol: Promise and Pitfalls,” researchers looked into the potential benefits of CBD and some of the pitfalls of its use in treating human conditions. When looking at CBD’s ability to be absorbed into the body, researchers noted that, while CBD is well tolerated in amounts up to 600 mg, its oral input has a bioavailability of only 6%.

This means that, when ingested, CBD has a much-reduced efficacy with being taken in by the body.

Our one of a kind patented 10x pure CBD oil which is hydrophilic. In addition it’s patented process allows the CBD molecule to attach to water, verses just play with water. This will allow for higher absorption and bio-availability ultimately for anyone take CBD oil. Our 10x pure has other special things about it that increase the bio-availability TEN TIMES! With our 60-day empty bottle money back guarantee, we encourage you to try it, you have nothing to lose.

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