Tag: network marketing


6 Questions every Network Marketer Should Ask Themselves

Becoming a successful Network Marketer isn’t easy. It begins with that true desire to want to choose your destiny. But having that dream, and then being willing to do what it takes to achieve it are different things. Over my years leading people to be better at running their businesses, many think that they need to learn HOW to do something. But being successful has so much more to do with what you think over what you know how to do.

These six questions are powerful for anyone to consider when in network marketing. Ask yourself on a scale of 1-10 how well you do in these areas!

  1. Are you a risk taker? You must be willing to take chances, explore new concepts, ideas, people, and places to increase your success in your network marketing business.
    • My first big risk was signing up under someone I did not know. I knew I wanted the company and what they stood for. Then I had to take risks to find my upline as my sponsor has been nonresponsive.
  2. Do you take advantage of opportunities? Being able to see opportunities and seize them right away and not later is extremely important for anyone wanting to grow their wealth through this process. Opportunities to be on calls, learn from the best in the business, try a new product, even build testimonies for curiosity posts are all opportunities to seize!
    • One opportunity I take advantage of is a sale on a product I have not tried yet. When I get to try it I have better understanding of how it can benefit others. And even if it doesn’t “work for me” I can still speak to taste, etc.
  3. Do you feel fear and move through it with excitement? Fear is a part of the life of an entrepreneur, but entrepreneurs thrive in this environment that might feel a bit scary. And, even if they don’t thrive, they at least feel the fear and do it anyway. You might feel fear talking to people you don’t know, giving a presentation, prospecting, or opening up to social media to meet new people – can you push past and do it?
    • My biggest fear is calling people on the phone! I DREAD it! So, I plan a few calls and reach out. I have my scripts and questions ready. And guess what? It is never as bad as my mind made it out to be!
  4. Are you willing to learn? Successful network marketers are not afraid of learning new things, trying new concepts, stretching themselves, and getting out there, because let’s face it: although you are not alone in building your business (you have support through the organization) ultimately you have to do the work to grow it. This also means you know you need to keep learning and growing to get better.
    • I realized a full year in that I had to learn how to market on social media better! What I did when I first started worked, but it did not long term. I started finding the best of the best and watching videos some every day to improve.
  5. Do you adapt to change quickly? The world is moving fast. Technology seems to change faster than the speed of light! And you have to be willing to change with the needs of your customers and technology in your business.
    • My company NEVER tells us when they are going to do a sale. It’s just “surprise” flash sale! Well, my normal self would like time to plan and make graphics, to email or call some people ahead of time. Even prepare my team better, but instead I just have jump in quickly and make it happen now!
  6. Are you self-disciplined? An entrepreneur does not have a boss watching over them. In network marketing you must be able to get up and do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, whether they want to do it or not. Who cares how you feel! Long day at work? Still have to get your Daily Do’s done!
    • My discipline is fairly good, except for Mondays. I have worked from home for many years, and I am an introvert. I ADORE my husband and LOVE being with him, but after the weekend, I feel drained. I want to just rejuvenate and chill. But I get my butt on the computer and start my day!

These are people I know will have success. They are coach-able and make the best team members! I know when anyone who scores themselves fairly well in these areas and joins my team, they can learn our step-by-step process to build a great network marketing business!

email or call me today and let’s get you started on my team!http://www.ctfoglobalfrequency.com/contact-us/

6 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way while Growing my Business

Being self-employed for a really long time, lol, and being a teacher and coach on mindsets for success, I never realized how all my mindsets would be challenged when finding the right network marketing company for me. Signing up and saying yes, is only the beginning of the journey. OF COURSE, I started by implementing things right away. I was excited, probably like you!

I (well we, Earl and I are in it together, lol):

  • Built a bio with our why placed into it.
  • Shared with friends and family what I was up to
  • Updated my social media
  • Got in touch with my upline and asked some questions
  • Became a product of the product

And guess what? We had great success the first 90 days! I made it to 5K in sales during my first 90 days and that’s an important rank because you get a raise! Well, you know what I mean, there are more commission opportunities.

Within 5 months of starting I was a 10K Executive Manager – wow! This is so easy, why isn’t EVERYONE doing it. Or I thought.

Then, the slip happened, back down, back down. Holy crap what is happening?

The problem wasn’t the product (it’s fabulous), and it isn’t the pay plan (they keep making it better and better), so what was it?

Me- it’s me. I am the one common denominator. And I needed to get back to basics. As I dug through my own coaching practices, I realized something about successful, influential people. They are:

  1. Self-disciplined. They get up and do what needs to be done whether they feel it or not. And guess what? I had slacked off on my social media posting and my follow up big time.
  2. A believer in relationships. I had become that slimy salesperson, UGH WTF Ann, build relationships and listen to people more.
  3. Understanding of intrinsic motivators of others. Not everyone is motivated to sign up or buy for the same reasons, or worse yet, my reason. Post about different reasons WHY.
  4. Determined. As many days as I have wanted to quit, or took a break, ouch! Time to get mentors and coaches to teach me to be better. Time to get my daily routine back.
  5. Strategic first and tactical second. Hummmmm, what is my long-term plan and what do I do daily to achieve it? It’s not helpful to just randomly do something hoping it will work.
  6. Able to make others think and feel. I was getting to focused on features, not benefits. Benefits make people feel. Stories make people feel.

These six things must be present each day for success. Not just when it’s new and fresh. Like having the great love in your life- you keep good mindsets to keep it wonderful at 20 years just like when it was new and fresh!

And even I need to remind myself of that and get back on it. And guess what? It works, momentum is building again! Which of these six things might you need to revive in your business?

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