Category: network marketing


15 Reasons Why your Business Might be Failing

I have been an entrepreneur since 1998. When I decided to leave corporate America and start out on my own, Earl and I decided to have a “sit down” to have a real ️conversation about what success would look like.

See whether you want to make $300, $3000, $30,000 or $300,000 a month doesn’t matter. There are things that will lead to consistent success. And if you are not doing them, or several of them aren’t quality, it might be why you are not getting what you want from your Network Marketing Business.

This list are the top 15 reasons that impact the bottom line….making the money you want to make! We had a talk about all of them, as hard as it was!

Now I find that many people that THINK they want to join are team are not really serious about the business because they are not coachable to learn these things, or not rebel enough to work on the character it takes to grow. Are you?

Think critically about this list, even if you are making money, because if one is an issue for you, it could be what’s holding you back from the next level of success.
1. ✅You have no marketing plan that you actively and consistently work
2. ✅You feel uncomfortable asking people for money, especially at that price…during these times…..etc
3. ✅Your target market is generic and unfocused
4. ✅You lack follow up
5. ✅You lack consistency in message, marketing and brand (not your companies, yours)
6. ✅You don’t invest in your business; you want it all for free and then wonder why people buy don’t from you
7. ✅You fear success more than failure
8. ✅You think everything needs to be perfect before you “go for it”
9. ✅You become that slimy sales person …in person and even on social media
10. ✅Sales scare the hell out of you. So you put your link everywhere “hoping”…what I call “spray and pray” 
11. ✅Your personal support system is enabling
12. ✅Your social media is boring and uninspired…and salesy
13. ✅You haven’t set any goals and worked the numbers to achieve those goals
14. ✅You want it to make money, but you don’t spend consistent time on it.
15. ✅You do not have the motivation to do what it takes to get to the level you desire

What will you do to have a REAL conversation about being in business? Are you serious about making real money, or is it just a hobby? And if just your side hustle, are you still building a plan to make sure it makes the side hustle money you are wanting?

4 Tips to Being UNIQUE in Network Marketing

There are a million people that do what you do….it’s you that makes it truly unique. Not the job title, not the education, not even the product or service your sell…..that is EVERYWHERE. IT’s you. You are the brand.

Many of us who get into network marketing make a big mistake early on, heck, even Earl and I did, and I know better! What is that? Thinking that the company/ product is the brand. Not true. You are the brand. Why would I choose you over others who do the same thing you do? Because you have a brand. Brands aren’t complicated, in its simplest form it is your unique personality that “attracts” me or your ideal customer or team member to you.

We did well at first just “pushing” the product and company, don’t get me wrong, but after a while we were just noise, one of a million others in a stream of noise. Using all the company pics, copying everyone else. We became those network marketer “people” lol.

If your honest with yourself, even you don’t comment on 99% of the boring, blah and pushy you see!

So we (my husband and I) reset and thought through an activity from my book The Influence Factor. Maybe this can help you as well define your brand and how you want to show up!

#1 Take five minutes and write down as many one-word answers as possible that answer this question: Who am I?
Once you have completed this list, go back through it and cross off every word that defines a role – such as wife, mother, friend, teacher. The words that are left – most will be adjectives – are who you are and represent the cornerstone of your brand.

PICK THREE WORDS from the list that is left, that best represents you. Now write two sentences using those three favorite adjectives that you picked to describe you in your brand.
For example, here are the three words we used to describe us:
Bold, honest and energized.

#3 now turn that into a sentence or two that becomes YOU of your brand. Like thins:

We are big hearted honest people making bold moves to health and wealth! Our adventurous spirit means we are energized at a high level in all facets of life: be it growth, food, travel, spirits, love, friends and more.

Think about how you use those powerful words in your tag, your graphics and more! This is who you are, not what you do! Chose to post in alignment with it!

Lastly, place your sentences somewhere as a daily reminder so you attract like minded people to your work – BE that person, in persona and online!

Which Person are You?

It is times like this when you want to just quit! I get it, 2020 has been one hell of a year, but let’s face it: Life can be one of the hardest puzzles to solve. You can seemingly do everything right, play by the rules, follow the right steps and still not get ahead. It can make even the most determined big thinker out there want to hand up their shoes and quit the game.  I love this quote from Eric Worre – we have to ask ourselves in these situations which kind of person are you going to be?

When in Network Marketing, this is especially true. The first years are a rollercoaster ride of exciting make money times, and super lows. Hoping you found your diamond on your team, to only realize they are a dud. Up and down.

There are countless stories of very successful people who could have quit but opted to stay the course. I love 2 stories in particular:  Jay-Z and Sir James Dyson.

Jay-z grew up in the Marcy housing project in a single parent home. He pretty much failed at school. He found music and after hard work and meager success, he could not find a record deal. While trying to he sold CD’s out of the truck of his car. (Yes, CD’s were actually a medium for music once. Go look in your parent’s storage, lol.) He did not let the lack of deal stop him. What did Jay-z do? He created his own record label called Roc-a-fella record with some friends and the rest is musical history. Jay-z decided which kind of person he was going to be.

Sir James Dyson, as you probably know, came up with the idea of the cyclonic separation based vacuum cleaner simply because he was tired of his hoover losing suction. It took him 5,126 failures and an extremely supportive wife BTW (supportive partners always help your business grow) before he had a working model. Then, no distributors would take his idea as the vacuum bag business was a $123m at the time, and why mess with what’s working?  He took his hot pink product to Japan selling it via catalogue and in 1986, three after its introduction he got a US patent. He still had to create his own company to get it one the market.

These are two amazing stories of two individuals who could have thrown in the towel and quit but they didn’t which speaks to who they are as a person. This holds true when you start a network marking business. Sometimes the same ol’ won’t work. Will you quit? Or find a new way? Sometimes shelter in place will happen. Will you quit or learn modern social media techniques to grow your business?

We are looking for people who aren’t going to accept failure even if that means creating their own path. We love rebels, and continue to teach out team rebel ways for success! I can guarantee you there will always be a reason to quit and there will always be a reason to keep going. What kind of person are you going to be?

Becoming a Trust Agent on Social Media 4 Tips

Networking is just a part of building your network marketing business, any business for that matter. And these days networking happens more and more online. Yes, we can still meet in person and go to events to network. Heck my husband will tell you his commute is a time to network when people look up from their phones, lol. I keep trying to tell him they are all networking online!

I have taught influence strategies for many years now, and networking is a big part of influence. I recall once being asked: “How do I network to build more influence?” Great Question!

I decided to answer from Chris Brogran’s book: Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation and Earn Trust. He says:

“be sure to find ways to facilitate important meetings with new unknowns, because once you’ve cut yourself off from developing new contacts, your value to the network diminishes significantly. You must remain present to remain relevant.”

That’s really deep! Lol! But what he is saying about networking online and how powerful it is for you and your business success is important! Besides the important basics to becoming a trust agent online, having things like:

  • an account with a real name, you have to be a real person, after all we are in the people business.
  • a great quality picture where people can see your smile and energy (yes your phone can take that picture!)
  • posting information people are interested in and attracts not deters them… not your sales pitch every day… several times a day.
  • posting daily and sometimes more than once a day because let’s face it you are not relevant if you only post once or twice a week!

Those will greatly help your visibility, trust and influence online. But, based on Chris’s quote, influence is so much more than that. And we need to be influential to sell and recruit. Developing relationships with “new unknowns” is CRITICAL for success, otherwise you are stagnant on social media. Here are a few of my suggestions:

  1. Get in the habit of “friending” “following” “linking” with people regularly as it is an important part of your JOB as a network marketer.
  2. Make sure your profiles are public, so they come up when people are searching and looking at suggestions. Private profiles just to do get visibility, which automatically make you an UNKNOWN.
  3. This also means your posts are public as well. As I have trained before, you choose what to share- have a picture of the kids and just want family to see it, you can do that. And I know many network marketing moms that do not put pictures of their kids on social media as a choice.
  4. Get involved in others posts by learning to be a value-add commenter, not just a like again you are an unknown. Great comments that help the discussion help you be seen. This builds trust and so people may reach out or you may as well.

I could expand these 4 tips on becoming a trust agent for days! Lol, hopefully this get’s you started!

What are you doing, in your networking, to remain present and relevant? How are you keeping QUALITY the goal while growing? Are you Influential because you are present?

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