Author: Ann Evanston


15 Reasons Why your Business Might be Failing

I have been an entrepreneur since 1998. When I decided to leave corporate America and start out on my own, Earl and I decided to have a “sit down” to have a real ️conversation about what success would look like.

See whether you want to make $300, $3000, $30,000 or $300,000 a month doesn’t matter. There are things that will lead to consistent success. And if you are not doing them, or several of them aren’t quality, it might be why you are not getting what you want from your Network Marketing Business.

This list are the top 15 reasons that impact the bottom line….making the money you want to make! We had a talk about all of them, as hard as it was!

Now I find that many people that THINK they want to join are team are not really serious about the business because they are not coachable to learn these things, or not rebel enough to work on the character it takes to grow. Are you?

Think critically about this list, even if you are making money, because if one is an issue for you, it could be what’s holding you back from the next level of success.
1. ✅You have no marketing plan that you actively and consistently work
2. ✅You feel uncomfortable asking people for money, especially at that price…during these times…..etc
3. ✅Your target market is generic and unfocused
4. ✅You lack follow up
5. ✅You lack consistency in message, marketing and brand (not your companies, yours)
6. ✅You don’t invest in your business; you want it all for free and then wonder why people buy don’t from you
7. ✅You fear success more than failure
8. ✅You think everything needs to be perfect before you “go for it”
9. ✅You become that slimy sales person …in person and even on social media
10. ✅Sales scare the hell out of you. So you put your link everywhere “hoping”…what I call “spray and pray” 
11. ✅Your personal support system is enabling
12. ✅Your social media is boring and uninspired…and salesy
13. ✅You haven’t set any goals and worked the numbers to achieve those goals
14. ✅You want it to make money, but you don’t spend consistent time on it.
15. ✅You do not have the motivation to do what it takes to get to the level you desire

What will you do to have a REAL conversation about being in business? Are you serious about making real money, or is it just a hobby? And if just your side hustle, are you still building a plan to make sure it makes the side hustle money you are wanting?

4 Tips to Being UNIQUE in Network Marketing

There are a million people that do what you do….it’s you that makes it truly unique. Not the job title, not the education, not even the product or service your sell…..that is EVERYWHERE. IT’s you. You are the brand.

Many of us who get into network marketing make a big mistake early on, heck, even Earl and I did, and I know better! What is that? Thinking that the company/ product is the brand. Not true. You are the brand. Why would I choose you over others who do the same thing you do? Because you have a brand. Brands aren’t complicated, in its simplest form it is your unique personality that “attracts” me or your ideal customer or team member to you.

We did well at first just “pushing” the product and company, don’t get me wrong, but after a while we were just noise, one of a million others in a stream of noise. Using all the company pics, copying everyone else. We became those network marketer “people” lol.

If your honest with yourself, even you don’t comment on 99% of the boring, blah and pushy you see!

So we (my husband and I) reset and thought through an activity from my book The Influence Factor. Maybe this can help you as well define your brand and how you want to show up!

#1 Take five minutes and write down as many one-word answers as possible that answer this question: Who am I?
Once you have completed this list, go back through it and cross off every word that defines a role – such as wife, mother, friend, teacher. The words that are left – most will be adjectives – are who you are and represent the cornerstone of your brand.

PICK THREE WORDS from the list that is left, that best represents you. Now write two sentences using those three favorite adjectives that you picked to describe you in your brand.
For example, here are the three words we used to describe us:
Bold, honest and energized.

#3 now turn that into a sentence or two that becomes YOU of your brand. Like thins:

We are big hearted honest people making bold moves to health and wealth! Our adventurous spirit means we are energized at a high level in all facets of life: be it growth, food, travel, spirits, love, friends and more.

Think about how you use those powerful words in your tag, your graphics and more! This is who you are, not what you do! Chose to post in alignment with it!

Lastly, place your sentences somewhere as a daily reminder so you attract like minded people to your work – BE that person, in persona and online!

Becoming a Trust Agent on Social Media 4 Tips

Networking is just a part of building your network marketing business, any business for that matter. And these days networking happens more and more online. Yes, we can still meet in person and go to events to network. Heck my husband will tell you his commute is a time to network when people look up from their phones, lol. I keep trying to tell him they are all networking online!

I have taught influence strategies for many years now, and networking is a big part of influence. I recall once being asked: “How do I network to build more influence?” Great Question!

I decided to answer from Chris Brogran’s book: Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation and Earn Trust. He says:

“be sure to find ways to facilitate important meetings with new unknowns, because once you’ve cut yourself off from developing new contacts, your value to the network diminishes significantly. You must remain present to remain relevant.”

That’s really deep! Lol! But what he is saying about networking online and how powerful it is for you and your business success is important! Besides the important basics to becoming a trust agent online, having things like:

  • an account with a real name, you have to be a real person, after all we are in the people business.
  • a great quality picture where people can see your smile and energy (yes your phone can take that picture!)
  • posting information people are interested in and attracts not deters them… not your sales pitch every day… several times a day.
  • posting daily and sometimes more than once a day because let’s face it you are not relevant if you only post once or twice a week!

Those will greatly help your visibility, trust and influence online. But, based on Chris’s quote, influence is so much more than that. And we need to be influential to sell and recruit. Developing relationships with “new unknowns” is CRITICAL for success, otherwise you are stagnant on social media. Here are a few of my suggestions:

  1. Get in the habit of “friending” “following” “linking” with people regularly as it is an important part of your JOB as a network marketer.
  2. Make sure your profiles are public, so they come up when people are searching and looking at suggestions. Private profiles just to do get visibility, which automatically make you an UNKNOWN.
  3. This also means your posts are public as well. As I have trained before, you choose what to share- have a picture of the kids and just want family to see it, you can do that. And I know many network marketing moms that do not put pictures of their kids on social media as a choice.
  4. Get involved in others posts by learning to be a value-add commenter, not just a like again you are an unknown. Great comments that help the discussion help you be seen. This builds trust and so people may reach out or you may as well.

I could expand these 4 tips on becoming a trust agent for days! Lol, hopefully this get’s you started!

What are you doing, in your networking, to remain present and relevant? How are you keeping QUALITY the goal while growing? Are you Influential because you are present?

Why being Great at Recruiting isn’t Enough

Recruiting most would say is hard. Maybe because my company gives up amazing lead pages and tracking, or because I am SO energetic with the “great opportunity”…that wasn’t my challenge! The hardest thing I have had to learn growing a network marketing team is leadership! And hell, I have been great at it in other areas in my life, even to the point of teaching it! LOL! It’s different in this world, especially if you use leads (cold market) to grow your business. I have no relationship with them.

Then I recalled when a family member, Dick, a person I have loved and respected, died.  I knew this man on a personal level, as a father, friend, husband, and grandfather.  He was a great man!  I remembered his memorial, many that worked with him also shared how great he was there.  There is where I had an epiphany:  Dick chose to lead not just at work but in life.  He chose to possess the characteristic of leadership…all the time. He was:

  1. Visionary
  2. Mentored and was a role model
  3. Didn’t take himself too seriously
  4. Chose to see the best in every person
  5. Saw the potential in others
  6. Practiced giving without ever expecting
  7. Had high standards
  8. Challenged you to be your best
  9. Came from a place of adventure
  10. Always came from love
  11. Knew solutions were possible
  12. Made family first.

What’s the point? I have realized that I must role model these to people that sign up with me! I was too bust letting the “great opportunity” lead! These characteristics are critical for your success. People in his life wanted to follow him. And you need others to want to follow you: especially those that sign up. So I had to”

  • Make a choice
  • Understand leadership is key
  • Pick one of these amazing characteristics above and incorporate it in my life 100% of the time and if you do, I guarantee you will:
  1. Get better results
  2. Improve loyalty from others
  3. Enjoy life more
  4. Truly be successful
  5. And grow your business!

What will you do to choose to lead?

6 Tips Customer Loyalty in Your Network Marketing Business

Customer loyalty in network marketing? Aren’t we supposed to build a team? Let’s face it, to be successful in the Network Marketing world, we have to sell out products. It doesn’t matter how many people you sign up if they don’t buy! My upline Lynette, is a $25K Executive Manager (25K monthly sales volume) and a large percentage is her repeat customer business. She has customer loyalty.

Nick Urban, a former lineman at Winona State signed a contract with the Minnesota Vikings after attending a minicamp as a tryout. He is a great example of loyalty, and what someone did to create it.

After signing his contract, Nick returned to work in his cashier job at Target.

And as Nick said,
“They were nice enough to take me on, knowing my situation and I owed them a lot,” Urban said of his bosses at Target, who gave him flexible, part-time hours so he could train for his shot at the NFL. “They were nice enough to help out [at Target] and people that are nice enough to help you, you don’t just leave high and dry.”

Way to go Target Manager! What about you? Are you standing out or just one of the million others who only cares about their money? During these times of cutbacks, have your customers been LEAVING YOU HIGH AND DRY?

Maybe the bigger question is: What are you doing to build relationships with your customers (or prospects) so they are so loyal to you?

Here is what I suggest:

1-even if they are not buying right now, stay in touch. Say hi, send something to make them smile or laugh on occasion. Make it something that is true to your personality and energy, then you are memorable

2-be a great listener, customers love it when you listen. Yes, listen, on social media, or even make a call and say hi!

3-be someone who does what they say they are doing to do. We are often quick to say: “Let me research that and get info to you.” Or “I have an article I think you will appreciate; I will send it when we get off the phone.” Do you?

4-Treat people who say no right now, as great as people who say yes. This will keep you “Top of Mind” when they are ready! I have some customers that took a long time to finally buy…but I kept the relationship positive.

5-be a referral source even to customers that cannot afford what you sell. Can you offer solutions to their problems beyond what you sell?

6-follow up! Check in when they receive a product, check in once they started using it, check in when they should be about out…check in!

What would you suggest to create a loyal customer?

6 Questions every Network Marketer Should Ask Themselves

Becoming a successful Network Marketer isn’t easy. It begins with that true desire to want to choose your destiny. But having that dream, and then being willing to do what it takes to achieve it are different things. Over my years leading people to be better at running their businesses, many think that they need to learn HOW to do something. But being successful has so much more to do with what you think over what you know how to do.

These six questions are powerful for anyone to consider when in network marketing. Ask yourself on a scale of 1-10 how well you do in these areas!

  1. Are you a risk taker? You must be willing to take chances, explore new concepts, ideas, people, and places to increase your success in your network marketing business.
    • My first big risk was signing up under someone I did not know. I knew I wanted the company and what they stood for. Then I had to take risks to find my upline as my sponsor has been nonresponsive.
  2. Do you take advantage of opportunities? Being able to see opportunities and seize them right away and not later is extremely important for anyone wanting to grow their wealth through this process. Opportunities to be on calls, learn from the best in the business, try a new product, even build testimonies for curiosity posts are all opportunities to seize!
    • One opportunity I take advantage of is a sale on a product I have not tried yet. When I get to try it I have better understanding of how it can benefit others. And even if it doesn’t “work for me” I can still speak to taste, etc.
  3. Do you feel fear and move through it with excitement? Fear is a part of the life of an entrepreneur, but entrepreneurs thrive in this environment that might feel a bit scary. And, even if they don’t thrive, they at least feel the fear and do it anyway. You might feel fear talking to people you don’t know, giving a presentation, prospecting, or opening up to social media to meet new people – can you push past and do it?
    • My biggest fear is calling people on the phone! I DREAD it! So, I plan a few calls and reach out. I have my scripts and questions ready. And guess what? It is never as bad as my mind made it out to be!
  4. Are you willing to learn? Successful network marketers are not afraid of learning new things, trying new concepts, stretching themselves, and getting out there, because let’s face it: although you are not alone in building your business (you have support through the organization) ultimately you have to do the work to grow it. This also means you know you need to keep learning and growing to get better.
    • I realized a full year in that I had to learn how to market on social media better! What I did when I first started worked, but it did not long term. I started finding the best of the best and watching videos some every day to improve.
  5. Do you adapt to change quickly? The world is moving fast. Technology seems to change faster than the speed of light! And you have to be willing to change with the needs of your customers and technology in your business.
    • My company NEVER tells us when they are going to do a sale. It’s just “surprise” flash sale! Well, my normal self would like time to plan and make graphics, to email or call some people ahead of time. Even prepare my team better, but instead I just have jump in quickly and make it happen now!
  6. Are you self-disciplined? An entrepreneur does not have a boss watching over them. In network marketing you must be able to get up and do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, whether they want to do it or not. Who cares how you feel! Long day at work? Still have to get your Daily Do’s done!
    • My discipline is fairly good, except for Mondays. I have worked from home for many years, and I am an introvert. I ADORE my husband and LOVE being with him, but after the weekend, I feel drained. I want to just rejuvenate and chill. But I get my butt on the computer and start my day!

These are people I know will have success. They are coach-able and make the best team members! I know when anyone who scores themselves fairly well in these areas and joins my team, they can learn our step-by-step process to build a great network marketing business!

email or call me today and let’s get you started on my team!

8 Questions to Consider BEFORE Starting a Network Marketing Business

Thinking that you want your own business? Maybe considering whether to start your own thing, or even join a Network Marketing company? As someone that has done both, I thought I’d share some questions to consider as you make the best decision for you!


  1. Am I willing to invest in my business? This is just a reality; it will take some money to make some money. It will take time to eventually free up time. You must be willing to invest some of both. One great advantage of deciding your business will be with a Network Marketing company, is so much is DONE FOR YOU, whereas if you start for yourself, you have to pay to get everything going.
  2. How comfortable am I with sales? Understanding the sales process and how to close a sale, is important. If you just hope to push your link everywhere hoping people will buy, you probably won’t have much success. If you are not comfortable with selling, you will struggle. Let’s face it. In big companies, someone else does the sales, but as a network marketer, you close the sales.
  3. Do I believe in the product? When you use, love and believe in a product, it is easier to sell. And in most network marketing companies you earn more with making a monthly purchase. (And it should be reasonable, in my opinion!) Do not decide to start a business because of the idea that you will get rich quickly. Start because you believe in what you offer and how it helps others, and the money will follow. I truly believe in living healthy and love helping others do the same, so my business is a great fit.
  4. What kind of training and support will I get? If you have decided to invest in a brand, find out what the investment will get you. Any good company will have training and support sessions and phone calls to help you succeed. Talk to a REAL person already in the organization and find out. Call their support center and ask some questions
  5. How will I develop a business plan? Even when joining a network marketing company, you need a plan. You build over time, and that takes thought and goal setting with your time and effort. Having a 1-, 3-, and 5-year business plan is key to success. Get real and deep about your WHY. Your why is more than, “make money” because that will not keep you motivated when you are not making money!
  6. Do I understand how I will make money? This is often ignored, and then people are frustrated. First, if it is a legitimate company, you can earn solely by selling products. And you should never have to invest more up front to earn a higher commission than another person. (Although building a team that sells products is where the wealth is at in network marketing.) BUT, there are still companies that have pretty strict guidelines where you might not get paid. Do your homework and ask questions!
  7. Am I willing to do whatever it takes to make it work? Starting your own business takes discipline, hard work, and the willingness to push beyond your comfort zone.  Are you up for it?
  8. Do I really want a business, or is this just a hobby? If you truly want to be self-employed, if you truly want freedom, if you truly want wealth -you need to treat it like a business, not a hobby. That means investing in yourself and the business to grow it, even when money is tight. Hobbyists only invest when they have extra cash. Either is ok, but the investment of time and some money will be necessary if you really want your network marketing business to grow.

Ultimately, joining a network marketing company depends on one thing: you. It’s like joining a gym. The gym doesn’t get you in shape – you get you in shape. Most fail at network marketing because they are hoping for their upline to build under them and get them rich, you must build your business!

6 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way while Growing my Business

Being self-employed for a really long time, lol, and being a teacher and coach on mindsets for success, I never realized how all my mindsets would be challenged when finding the right network marketing company for me. Signing up and saying yes, is only the beginning of the journey. OF COURSE, I started by implementing things right away. I was excited, probably like you!

I (well we, Earl and I are in it together, lol):

  • Built a bio with our why placed into it.
  • Shared with friends and family what I was up to
  • Updated my social media
  • Got in touch with my upline and asked some questions
  • Became a product of the product

And guess what? We had great success the first 90 days! I made it to 5K in sales during my first 90 days and that’s an important rank because you get a raise! Well, you know what I mean, there are more commission opportunities.

Within 5 months of starting I was a 10K Executive Manager – wow! This is so easy, why isn’t EVERYONE doing it. Or I thought.

Then, the slip happened, back down, back down. Holy crap what is happening?

The problem wasn’t the product (it’s fabulous), and it isn’t the pay plan (they keep making it better and better), so what was it?

Me- it’s me. I am the one common denominator. And I needed to get back to basics. As I dug through my own coaching practices, I realized something about successful, influential people. They are:

  1. Self-disciplined. They get up and do what needs to be done whether they feel it or not. And guess what? I had slacked off on my social media posting and my follow up big time.
  2. A believer in relationships. I had become that slimy salesperson, UGH WTF Ann, build relationships and listen to people more.
  3. Understanding of intrinsic motivators of others. Not everyone is motivated to sign up or buy for the same reasons, or worse yet, my reason. Post about different reasons WHY.
  4. Determined. As many days as I have wanted to quit, or took a break, ouch! Time to get mentors and coaches to teach me to be better. Time to get my daily routine back.
  5. Strategic first and tactical second. Hummmmm, what is my long-term plan and what do I do daily to achieve it? It’s not helpful to just randomly do something hoping it will work.
  6. Able to make others think and feel. I was getting to focused on features, not benefits. Benefits make people feel. Stories make people feel.

These six things must be present each day for success. Not just when it’s new and fresh. Like having the great love in your life- you keep good mindsets to keep it wonderful at 20 years just like when it was new and fresh!

And even I need to remind myself of that and get back on it. And guess what? It works, momentum is building again! Which of these six things might you need to revive in your business?

Finding Success

I grew up believing that success is about what we do and how we earn, not who we are. Neither of my parents went to college. I feel like I was told at LEAST once a day: “you WILL go to college Annie.” I absolutely grew up trusting that. Interestingly I was also told that I would be a doctor. And I grew up believing that too.

I chose a top liberal arts college in Washington state where I grew up. With a top ranked pre-med program, recruiters told me if I got through it I would write my ticket to any med school in the country. I got in! My mom was so proud, she always knew I’d be a successful doctor.

Being in a liberal arts college, I was required to take credits in ALL fields of study, not just my major. My sophomore year was rocking my world. I was taking chemistry and HATING EVERY MINUTE of class. Across campus I am taking a sociology class….and loving it! I loved what I was learning about human behavior. And by spring break, I had to declare my major.

With thoughtful consideration, I went to the administrator’s office and filed my major and minor.

That year, mom decided to drive the 275 miles to campus to pick me up for spring break and bring me home. She hadn’t done THAT before, I always had to hitch a ride with friends or take the bus! She said it would be great mother/daughter time driving back.

We made an adventure of it: stopping at outlet malls, grabbing a bite to eat. It was a long, full day and I did not bring up declaring my major, and oddly enough she hadn’t either.

It was dark by the time we got back to the greater Puget Sound region. Mom is driving her little sportscar, me in the passenger seat. After a long day on our adventure, I think we were both a bit tired, we hadn’t spoken in a while. Suddenly, mom breaks the silence. Maybe she had been thinking it all this time? She asks: “Annie, didn’t you have to declare your major?”

“Yep.” (Closed ended question, so I answered accordingly….I guess somehow I knew this wasn’t going to go well.)

“So, what did you declare, biology? You always liked biology in high school.”


“Pre-med then?”


“Annie, you went for the hardest of them all chemistry? I’m so proud of you!!”


“Wait, well, what’s left?”

“I declared sociology mom, I don’t want to be a doctor.”

The silence hurt my ears in this car moving at 65mph. Just deadening. And then she said: “You will never make any money.”

That was a pivotal story in my life, believing that I had to earn money to prove my success. I had to let go of other perceptions of my success. I had to define it for myself. The fear I felt stepping away from my family’s path for my success was overwhelming, I did it anyway. It took great courage to start my own business and keep hustling when the economy sank.

I now know that I am a healer, just a different kind. I heal women by teaching them self-love, the highest expression of self-esteem. I heal what stops them from being influential, powerful and loving. I also have healed my relationship with money and along with my husband show others how to heal and build wealth.

The Women at one of my Self Love Evolution Retreats

And the ultimate success? It is the long-time relationships I have had with clients and colleagues that stretch over decades because they love what I do and want to be a part of the adventure. Success is having a powerfully loving relationship. Success is the fun and laughter I have in my life. It is having these relationships because I am willing to be vulnerable and open my heart. That is success. Money has found its way through my passion for what I do with people every day.

Your Power Dinner Table

When I was younger I remember being asked this question. And I always hated it! The answers seemed obvious and in my mind safe. But back then, I didn’t know myself well enough to know an answer that would truly delight and inspire me.

You know that famous question: if you could choose to have dinner with anyone from anytime in the world, which 5 people would you choose?

Now I know, because they align with so much of my life’s work and purpose. I have worked with women for 30 years to become healthy, happy, fulfilled in their lives and careers. To be the fullest expression of themselves. To be sexually self actualized and therefore empowered by their sexuality. Of course I know exactly who I want to sit with now!

Meet my dinner table:

Mochizuki Chiyome

Mochizuki Chiyome was a Japanese noblewoman and the first woman ninja who created and trained a group of women ninja warriors. She used conforming as a “lady” with proper dress and manners to allow her warriors to move throughout society and fight for the Takeda clan. She is imply a badass! And of course my first tattoo at 48 is a full size Katana as seen in this picture and I can barely lift it over my head!

Mileva Maric Serbian

Mileva Maric Serbian, aka Mileva Einstein-Maric, Alberts first wife. She is believed to have co-created his most profound theories, and she was not credited, simply because she’s a SHE. Truly brilliant in her own mind but not given credit!! Can you imagine what she could share? Enough of “behind every great man there is a woman”! She so deserves credit

Frances Hesselbein

Frances Hesselbein at 104 (still alive today) I consider the foremost female leadership expert. She could not publish without a male leading author, becasue she would not be taken seriously in her time. She was founding President of the Peter Drucker foundation and was CEO of the Girl Scouts during its largest involvement in the 70s. I’d love to hear how she influenced all these male leaders!

Maud Stevens Wagner

Maud Stevens Wagner once a contortionist in the circus, and she became the first female tattooist! She personally was completely tatted in an era where it was considered taboo for both sexes let alone a woman. She used to “show them off” wearing risky clothing during an era where women covered up. I love she still wore her pearls though! Such an “improper” woman, I bet she has the best stories as a rebel!

Hedy Lamarr, who had a 20 year career as a femmes fatale, was known to have the first “orgasm” on screen. She also co-created and patented a “secret communication system” during WWII which was the groundbreaking technology for WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. I always believe we can be “smart, savvy and sexy” as women and she did it!

I could probably pick MANY more fabulous rebel women leaders of their time, but I limited it to five for the question, and the blog would get too long, lol. And ok, I’d have to squeeze Earl in of course, lol. Some might think that is strange, but he has a huge love for who I am as a woman, and powerful women as well. He would ask the best questions and liven up the group for sure!

So who would be at your table?

To Beard or not to Beard: That is the Question

I have always been a “no beard“ kind of girl. I’ve never really liked them. Even when I was a child my Uncle Johnny had a beard and I didn’t like it! I was OK with his crazy porn star mustache that he grew on occasion but never the beard!

As I started to date, all my girlfriends knew that I liked my men tall, with a great booty (yes, I am an ass gal), and clean cut. I thought that was pretty good for my physical criteria. Many women have a list a mile long!

When I met Earl he met the criteria right away. And then to learn that he goes to the barber shop every week to get a cut and a shave blew me away. I just love touching that absolutely clean face after he gets a shave. Sure, on occasion he would do a very neat skinny beard and even try a mustache on, but the hair was always tight, the next and cheeks smooth and never ever a bushy or long beard!

Fast forward almost 20 years and one week he comes home unshaven. This would happen a few times a year. I would always ask: “why didn’t you get a shave?”

The answer was always then same: “I am just letting my face rest.” Without a doubt the following week it would be all clean and smooth.

But this time was different. The next week he came back and it still wasn’t shaven. And I, like I always do, asked: “why didn’t you get a shave?”

This time he said: “it’s movember I’m just gonna grow it for this month babe.” OK, I get it. It’s for a good cause: men’s health. I can survive to the end of November. UGH. Buck up woman, it’s just a month, then it will be gone again. Well November turned into December, and then the new year and even my birthday in January and he still wasn’t shaven!

Months went by and he would ask me if I liked it as it grew longer and bushier. I would definitively tell him that I hate it! I even tried crazy ways and threats to get him to shave it but he wasn’t taking it off. And he wasn’t getting as many kisses as he would normally get, LOL.

Fast forward a whole year and it’s January again. That goddamn beard is still on his face. I’ve given up. I love him but I hated his facial hair! Of course, as a strong minded and outspoken woman, I thought I had told him a MILLION times I hate it. The Saturday ritual always had him getting up and go to the barbershop even at this point. He’s not a clean-cut man anymore, but at least he still got his hair done well. LOL

One Saturday, right around my birthday, I heard him pull up returning from the barbershop and went over to unlock the door and let him in. Before he could even get in the house I saw his face. The beard was gone!

I love that clean shaven face!

And I started to cry. Touching his smooth soft skin, saying over and over, “it’s gone.” In that moment he realized how much I really truly hated the beard.

I truly love Earl and even if he had that damn thing on his face today we be together. But I am so glad he appreciates my dislike for it and has chosen to keep it off ever since. To beard or not to beard: that is the question. Are you a beard gal or do you prefer your man clean-cut?

Make Your Damn Bed!

It’s funny how some of the greatest lessons I have learned to be an independent associate have not come from being an independent associate! I am a huge believer in mindsets; I am known on social media for saying: “you must train your mind to change your life!“

I grew up in an old Victorian home built in 1903 in Tacoma, Washington. When we finally moved into that home my sister and I actually got our own rooms. And me being the older of the two got the cool room upstairs in the attic. I even got to pick the carpet that was laid on the hardwood floor and decorate it to my style. Even cooler? I got a queen size bed!

I remember when I was about thirteen my wonderful Italian grandmother came to visit from Chicago. All of about four foot ten and one-hundred pounds soaking wet, she was a bright star in my life.

One day while visiting she climbed up the old, narrow, steep staircase into the attic to see this room which I was so proud. I was thrilled to show it off to her. The light blue carpet, the matching girly curtains on the old attic window. Even the built in vanity where I could do my hair and make up.

She did exactly what any wonderful grandmother would do; admired every little part of my bedroom. The latch hook rug of a unicorn I had made, my pictures on my dresser and how it was decorated. After all that admiration she had one final thing to say.

“Annie, I cannot believe you have not made your bed. You’ve been up for hours! You need to make your bed.”

“But grandma, who cares about my bed it’s only me up here. Nobody’s going to see it.”

“That’s not the point Annie. You make your bed every day for you and because you know you did it. Not for anyone else.”

Since then, I have made my bed every day.

Fast forward 15 years. I am in my late 20s and have decided to start my own business. Every day, no matter what I have going on, I get up and make my bed. I may be traveling around the globe to speak at that time, but my bed was made before I left the house. Even then I could still hear my grandma’s voice: “Annie, make your bed for you.”

Now, it’s 2020, I’m more than half a century-year-old, and I still make my bed every single day. Even if my husband Earl “man caves” on Sunday morning I go in there once he gets up and I make the bed.

Every. Single. Day.

You’re probably wondering what the hell this has to do with being successful with in our network marketing business, LOL. In many ways everything. You still might be thinking making your bed doesn’t really matter. No one sees it after all.

When being an independent contractor with CTFO nobody’s going to tell you to “make your bed”. Making the bed symbolizes the mindset of hard work and discipline. Nobody’s going to tell you to get up so you earn your paycheck. No one is going to tell you to make those calls to potential customers and team members. No one is going to ensure that you get your to do list done.

Every day you must get up with the mindset that you are going to put in the work, even on days when it doesn’t seem to matter. Especially on days when no one will “see it” but you.

So how will you “make you bed” today? Where do you need to make changes in your discipline? Do it for you, not anyone else!

Adopted from my book: “Unscripted: How Entrepreneurs Leap and Find Success”

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