15 Reasons Why your Business Might be Failing

I have been an entrepreneur since 1998. When I decided to leave corporate America and start out on my own, Earl and I decided to have a “sit down” to have a real ️conversation about what success would look like.
See whether you want to make $300, $3000, $30,000 or $300,000 a month doesn’t matter. There are things that will lead to consistent success. And if you are not doing them, or several of them aren’t quality, it might be why you are not getting what you want from your Network Marketing Business.
This list are the top 15 reasons that impact the bottom line….making the money you want to make! We had a talk about all of them, as hard as it was!
Now I find that many people that THINK they want to join are team are not really serious about the business because they are not coachable to learn these things, or not rebel enough to work on the character it takes to grow. Are you?
Think critically about this list, even if you are making money, because if one is an issue for you, it could be what’s holding you back from the next level of success.
1. ✅You have no marketing plan that you actively and consistently work
2. ✅You feel uncomfortable asking people for money, especially at that price…during these times…..etc
3. ✅Your target market is generic and unfocused
4. ✅You lack follow up
5. ✅You lack consistency in message, marketing and brand (not your companies, yours)
6. ✅You don’t invest in your business; you want it all for free and then wonder why people buy don’t from you
7. ✅You fear success more than failure
8. ✅You think everything needs to be perfect before you “go for it”
9. ✅You become that slimy sales person …in person and even on social media
10. ✅Sales scare the hell out of you. So you put your link everywhere “hoping”…what I call “spray and pray”
11. ✅Your personal support system is enabling
12. ✅Your social media is boring and uninspired…and salesy
13. ✅You haven’t set any goals and worked the numbers to achieve those goals
14. ✅You want it to make money, but you don’t spend consistent time on it.
15. ✅You do not have the motivation to do what it takes to get to the level you desire
What will you do to have a REAL conversation about being in business? Are you serious about making real money, or is it just a hobby? And if just your side hustle, are you still building a plan to make sure it makes the side hustle money you are wanting?
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