4 Tips to Being UNIQUE in Network Marketing

There are a million people that do what you do….it’s you that makes it truly unique. Not the job title, not the education, not even the product or service your sell…..that is EVERYWHERE. IT’s you. You are the brand.

Many of us who get into network marketing make a big mistake early on, heck, even Earl and I did, and I know better! What is that? Thinking that the company/ product is the brand. Not true. You are the brand. Why would I choose you over others who do the same thing you do? Because you have a brand. Brands aren’t complicated, in its simplest form it is your unique personality that “attracts” me or your ideal customer or team member to you.

We did well at first just “pushing” the product and company, don’t get me wrong, but after a while we were just noise, one of a million others in a stream of noise. Using all the company pics, copying everyone else. We became those network marketer “people” lol.

If your honest with yourself, even you don’t comment on 99% of the boring, blah and pushy you see!

So we (my husband and I) reset and thought through an activity from my book The Influence Factor. Maybe this can help you as well define your brand and how you want to show up!

#1 Take five minutes and write down as many one-word answers as possible that answer this question: Who am I?
Once you have completed this list, go back through it and cross off every word that defines a role – such as wife, mother, friend, teacher. The words that are left – most will be adjectives – are who you are and represent the cornerstone of your brand.

PICK THREE WORDS from the list that is left, that best represents you. Now write two sentences using those three favorite adjectives that you picked to describe you in your brand.
For example, here are the three words we used to describe us:
Bold, honest and energized.

#3 now turn that into a sentence or two that becomes YOU of your brand. Like thins:

We are big hearted honest people making bold moves to health and wealth! Our adventurous spirit means we are energized at a high level in all facets of life: be it growth, food, travel, spirits, love, friends and more.

Think about how you use those powerful words in your tag, your graphics and more! This is who you are, not what you do! Chose to post in alignment with it!

Lastly, place your sentences somewhere as a daily reminder so you attract like minded people to your work – BE that person, in persona and online!

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